Monday, May 20, 2013

appstore in IOS: Begin and use...

How to access Appstore.Vn

Method 1: Visit the App AppStoreVn
Use Safari to access links Now there will be one bulletin board "Do you want to download the application to your computer AppStoreVn not." Select Yes to download the application to your computer
Then, you can use the repository directly accessed by the icon on the home screen AppStoreVn
Method 2: By using Safari

Here's how to access the app store simple and effective after jailbreak. You can only access the website updated address, login, download and install the software, games want to use.
How to register

To fully use mobile application store in Vietnam, you must first register your account and log each use. Actions include simple registration steps. Step 1, move to the bottom of the page to navigate to login / register. Step 2, enter registration information and the final step is to activate your account. To activate your account activation email (free)

Download appstore here
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